Posts by DoctorNow

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1) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9678)
Posted 25 Feb 2023 by Profile DoctorNow
Hey look at that! 32nd star!


Kind of insane... ;-)
Congrats anyway.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9674)
Posted 24 Feb 2023 by Profile DoctorNow
None so far also here, probably not that many to get currently.
Been wondering about the "Hugo Search" also. This app already was started in December 22, but there seems to be no work for it so far, as no one reported it yet and it doesn't have an entry here also.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9650)
Posted 18 Feb 2023 by Profile DoctorNow
Congrats to everyone before me.
Just saw a few days ago I passed 14 ruby stars - means 280 apps with 1.000 hours ;-).
Heck, I wish I could set up a new Linux VM, but I'm currently missing time and HD space for it - there are quite a few apps I've missed out in a while. ;-/
4) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9491)
Posted 23 Dec 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Hm, seems I got it fixed. Obviously it does not work to attach via the BOINC manager without an account, it needs a creation via the website...
5) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9490)
Posted 23 Dec 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Project is finally up and I wanted to created an account, but it says there already is an account with my email.
Trying to add it with my password does not work, reports wrong password - but then when I try to get my password reset it says there is no account with my email.
This is weird and does not give me a good feeling about what they do there - especially since it's a RUSSIAN website... ;-)
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9280)
Posted 24 Aug 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Late thank you from me as well to you, Conan, for always making this exclusive ranking.

As of today, I finally managed to get my first magenta star for 20 apps with 10.000 hours...
Came a bit unexcepted since it was not (directly) planned like usually before, but oh well, I'm happy nevertheless. ;-D
7) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9010)
Posted 1 May 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Hm, still weird in my eyes, even if it's the same app.
On the application page of Einstein it's separated into a new app, so basically I thought it should be listed as such...
Whatever, may it be. ;-)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9005)
Posted 1 May 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
...and there is a new thing...
Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, fast)

Hm, looks like the new app is counting towards the old app, because all the hours I made in the last days were for the (Arecibo, fast) one, but now it looks like this for me:
Binary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo, GPU) 1,004.58 401.10
This needs a fix!
9) Message boards : Number crunching : E-Mail notifications not working (Message 8949)
Posted 20 Apr 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Again, the last 4 new entries (from yesterday) did not receive me.
(and also no spam in my spam-folder)
Seems to be working for me ...

Over at iThena it was a problem from the project provider (in Poland afaik) to send emails to my land (Germany) - and it never was fixed because the admin obviously didn't care about.
I don't hope it's the same here, when the project has already moved probably... don't know where it's hosted now.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : E-Mail notifications not working (Message 8926)
Posted 14 Apr 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Well, just found out again that the notifications are not working... at least three new apps in the app thread 2 days ago and I got no email from it, and there's nothing in my spam folder.
Looks like I have to watch more often now until it's fixed.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : E-Mail notifications not working (Message 8906)
Posted 6 Apr 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Ok, thanx, it's fixed. :-)
12) Message boards : Number crunching : E-Mail notifications not working (Message 8905)
Posted 6 Apr 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Hm, it does seem that the email-notifications are not working currently.
The last three entries in the "[Beta] New/intermittent applications"-thread, which I've subscribed to, did not let get me a note about it.
13) Message boards : News : Project revival (Message 8856)
Posted 27 Mar 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Too late to edit...
Nice, validation of hours is back! Great :-)
14) Message boards : News : Project revival (Message 8855)
Posted 27 Mar 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Are there some tests undergoing probably?
I see there are WUs out now the whole morning, running for about 5 minutes only, giving 1 credit, but the hour stats do not change so far...
15) Message boards : News : Project end (Message 8816)
Posted 16 Mar 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Sounds good so far. Everything's better than losing the best project ever in BOINC history... ;-)
16) Message boards : News : Project end (Message 8772)
Posted 9 Mar 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
I have no time to manage correctly the project.
So the work generation has been stopped and the project will be offline in a few days.

Only one day gone and this is going to happen...
These are very sad days these times, and now this. As other users already mentioned it was one of the reasons for me too to still doing BOINC, crunching for statistics and badges aside of doing it for science.
It is a BIG loss to not have personal statistics anymore in the future and it will indeed change the way I do projects also. I guess it will be even harder to get news about NEW projects now... :-(
Nevertheless, thanks for doing all the great stuff all over the years Sebastien, wish you the best.
Maybe you really can find someone who runs the project a bit longer...
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 8697)
Posted 10 Feb 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Thanks for the stats, Conan, always nice to see that I'm still under the Top 10. ;-)
(However, minor complaint here: I always have to count myself, I'm missing numbers at the left ;-)

Noticed a new milestone for myself yesterday:
Got a 3rd blue star for reaching 60 apps with 5.000 hours. :-)
However, this will be the last one for a long while as far as I can see...
18) Message boards : Number crunching : WU is not sent (Message 8653)
Posted 10 Jan 2022 by Profile DoctorNow

Just had to cancel a WU with 7 days running time, because the was not sent :-(((.
The new WU is now again at 20 days.

Jeez, that was a lot of lost time... my "condolences".
WUprop tasks NEVER need more than 6 hours so if you see one which has more, immediately cancel it. Unfortunately the recorded time for it is always lost...
Also, you ONLY get a new task when old ones are completed/canceled and reported.
It can happen from time to time that tasks run longer than the 6 hours, don't know why this is so, I had them a few times also, on Windows and on Linux VMs.
Nothing can be done about it so far unfortunately. But if it happens repeatedly something really is wrong...
19) Message boards : Number crunching : WU is not sent (Message 8652)
Posted 10 Jan 2022 by Profile DoctorNow
Are you trying to run both a wuprop task inside your VM AND outside the VM as well? That is expressly wuprop task per pc at a time.

No, this cannot be correct, as far as I know only multiple VM instances of WU-Prop are prohibited.
If it were like you said, it would not be possible anymore to run a Linux VM on a Windows machine and vice versa (for example). And this is exactly what I did until last year to get hours from projects were only Linux apps were available...
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Ramanujan Machine Errors ? (Message 8623)
Posted 30 Dec 2021 by Profile DoctorNow
As far as I experienced it seems to be a misfigured bunch of WUs of some sorts.
On my Win7 machine, I had a whole lot of RNM_general_25_12_a9 and a8 which errored out immediately yesterday, my current ones are others like RNM_general_25_12_a14 and they run good. Can't find a a13 so far in my logs, but I have some in the stock which yet have to be crunched. I guess they also will error out then...

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