Posts by Drago75

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1) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10718)
Posted 21 Jun 2024 by Drago75
The test units only run for 2 seconds. WUprop doesn't count the hours yet.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Android stays suspended ? (Message 10363)
Posted 23 Dec 2023 by Drago75
Happens on some of my old phones, too. Try to set min battery to 50%. I think BOINC doesn`t realize that the battery was charged already beyond that level of 90% of yours so a little more margin helps. What you can also try is a bigger charger in order to avoid getting below that minimum level. If it still happens you should restart the phone. That will help for a while. Also if you can I would suggest setting the maximum charging level of your battery to 80% in your Android settings to go easy on your battery. They don`t like it to be charged 100% all the time. That leads to bloated batteries over time and poses a fire hazard.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Einstein@Home - Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) app hours not detected on Intel GPU (Message 10284)
Posted 9 Nov 2023 by Drago75
ok. I will have a look at them...
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Einstein@Home - Binary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT) app hours not detected on Intel GPU (Message 10282)
Posted 9 Nov 2023 by Drago75
I know this is off topic, but could you guys tell me which Intel GPU you are using and the calculation times and if you run one or several work units concurrently? I couldn`t find any benchmarks so far.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : hours not being reported (Message 10140)
Posted 10 Aug 2023 by Drago75
I got about half of my SPT hours…
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Gerasim@home (Message 9810)
Posted 14 Mar 2023 by Drago75
You can add new projects on Android by providing the projects web address in the projects section which would be

Only the cycle search wus will work. I have a phone that already processed a few of the files succesfully but then ran out of work.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9795)
Posted 12 Mar 2023 by Drago75
"set up an app_config setting the number of GTCL to 0" has no effect - zero means default i.e. no limit. it doesn't alter what is fetched anyway - the server decides that at present.

Oh! Thanks for the info!
8) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9793)
Posted 12 Mar 2023 by Drago75
Ok. There seem to be 40 available at the moment but I don't get them. I tried to set up an app_config setting the number of GTCL to 0 but there is no app name yet for the boinc2docker files so that didn't work. So maybe I have to wait a bit until they maybe implement a selection setting.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9791)
Posted 12 Mar 2023 by Drago75
Does anybody know how to grab those boinc2docker wus from Parlea? There are no project preferences for that so I keep getting the GTCL cycle search files.I presume they are also Windows only and virtual machine.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : WuProp isn't reporting hours but deducting them instead (Message 9321)
Posted 28 Sep 2022 by Drago75
I just noticed that behaviour this morning on some of my PCs, too. The overall hours seem not to have been reduced. If the hours were counted positively, I don't know yet.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Project iedera? (Message 9305)
Posted 22 Sep 2022 by Drago75
Does anyone have the project website?
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Android device produces invalid WUprop results (Message 9296)
Posted 11 Sep 2022 by Drago75
My Odroid N2+ has produced only invalid results in weeks and I failed to notice it. Once I did it had stopped receiving new wus so this device was probably banned by your system. I read that a possible cause could be that "enable remote control" wasn't enabled for some reason after the reinstall of BOINC. Must have overlooked that setting. Sebastien, could you please re-enable this device? Thank you.

And by the way, did you set up a way to accept donations for this project? As electricity bills are rising all over the world I would be willing to donate...
13) Message boards : News : Project end (Message 8803)
Posted 11 Mar 2022 by Drago75
I would be willing to donate let’s say €100 to whoever agrees to continue this project to help with the maintenance and electricity costs. Maybe others would help, too. I regard BOINC as one of my favourite hobbies. Until now I didn’t think much about the compassion, the hard work and the money project owners have to invest to make it happen. So if I can contribute I’d love to.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Android App Versions (Message 8348)
Posted 26 Sep 2021 by Drago75
I had my Android devices deactivated during the summer. Now where the temperatures are cooler again I am putting them back online. After the upgrade to the newest BOINC version all WUprop units turn out to be invalid. So far my devices produced close to 40 of them all of them being of the number 5 version, not a single one is valid! Does anybody else have that problem? My devices run World Community Grid.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : no secure connection to WUProp?? (Message 8137)
Posted 5 May 2021 by Drago75
I noticed this for a longer time now but today I got a security alert from Firefox advising me that the connection to this website is not secure and others could see my lock in credentials. The lock symbol in the URL bar has a red bar over it. Dear admins, that is an important issues and should me solved quickly!

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