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User ID131733
WUProp@Home member since7 Jan 2016
CountryUnited States
Total credit75,099
Recent average credit0.06
Total hours240,463
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 PrimeGrid321 (Sieve)44,231.550.00
2 SETI@homeSETI@home v844,214.200.00
3 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home43,499.600.00
4 collatzCollatz Sieve18,859.820.00
5 LHC@homeSixTrack9,977.050.00
6 Enigma@HomeEnigma 0.76b8,931.630.00
7 rosetta@homeRosetta Mini8,408.120.00
8 DistributedDataMiningBiological Data Analysis: Laryngeal Video Classification6,214.050.00
9 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed4,793.600.00
10 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed4,775.070.00
11 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed4,768.200.00
12 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed4,766.580.00
13 PrimeGridPPSE (LLR)3,740.250.00
14 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (Sieve)3,459.250.00
15 PrimeGridPPS (Sieve)2,296.780.00
16 PrimeGridPPS (LLR)2,236.350.00
17 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar search #52,156.880.00
18 PrimeGridSophie Germain (LLR)2,129.070.00
19 World Community GridOpenZika2,088.520.00
20 LHC@homeTheory Simulation2,027.030.00
21 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (LLR)1,830.120.00
22 Rosetta@homeRosetta1,732.880.00
23 PrimeGridPPS-Mega (LLR)1,704.380.00
24 PrimeGridSierpinski Problem ESP/PSP/SoB (Sieve)1,180.450.00
25 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Phase 2817.550.00
26 PrimeGridFermat Divisor Search PPS-DIV (LLR)815.950.00
27 Einstein@HomeContinuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center lowFreq799.520.00
28 NumberFields@homeGet Decic Fields763.650.00
29 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (Sieve)745.450.00
30 LHC@homeATLAS Simulation669.270.00
31 World Community GridMicrobiome Immunity Project486.470.00
32 World Community GridSmash Childhood Cancer479.170.00
33 LHC@homeCMS Simulation443.450.00
34 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home N-Body Simulation411.520.00
35 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers407.530.00
36 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (LLR)403.700.00
37 NFS@Home16e Lattice Sieve V5343.450.00
38 Gridcoin FinanceGridcoin Finance336.300.00
39 PrimeGridGenefer 16323.350.00
40 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave All-sky search on LIGO O1 Open Data268.830.00
41 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Low226.380.00
42 NFS@Home15e Lattice Sieve220.020.00
43 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Mega209.620.00
44 Einstein@HomeContinuous Gravitational Wave search O2 All-Sky208.000.00
45 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Problem (LLR)166.470.00
46 SETI@homeAstroPulse v7147.450.00
47 Enigma@HomeEnigma AV141.720.00
48 NFS@Home14e Lattice Sieve132.550.00
49 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v2109.630.00
50 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM91.570.00
51 LHC@homeLHCb Simulation79.870.00
52 PrimeGridGenefer 1851.170.00
53 Einstein@HomeContinuous Gravitational Wave search Galactic Center highFreq47.080.00
54 PrimeGridGenefer 1534.930.00
55 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^2122.800.00
56 GPUGRIDShort runs (2-3 hours on fastest card)13.150.00
57 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)12.220.00
58 World Community GridHelp Stop TB4.580.00
59 Poem@HomePOEM++3.970.00
60 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2)3.250.00

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Generated 26 Jul 2024, 23:55:41 UTC