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User ID133775
WUProp@Home member since3 Jan 2020
Total credit63,930
Recent average credit39.51
Total hours167,070
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 NumberFields@homeGet Decic Fields26,725.0715.42
2 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock 0.2.0 long tasks12,459.22111.45
3 odlkodlkmax@home11,294.350.00
4 odlkodlkmin@home11,168.900.00
5 odlkodlk3@home10,965.720.00
6 World Community GridAfrica Rainfall Project10,770.050.00
7 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM10,330.280.00
8 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v29,804.230.00
9 Rosetta@homeRosetta9,622.630.00
10 latinsquaresodlkmax@home7,778.200.00
11 latinsquaresodlk3@home7,572.320.00
12 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs6,850.880.00
13 yafuYAFU-8t6,127.070.00
14 yoyo@homeecm5,539.582.03
15 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr4,409.320.00
16 SRBaseTF2,628.830.00
17 Rosetta@homeRosetta Beta2,578.480.00
18 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^211,563.380.00
19 SETI@homeSETI@home v81,230.570.00
20 yafuYAFU-4t1,082.270.00
21 Asteroids@homePeriod Search Application738.580.00
22 Rosetta@homeRosetta Mini723.170.00
23 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home691.630.00
24 yafuYAFU584.800.00
25 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)473.430.00
26 GPUGRIDNew version of ACEMD444.420.00
27 PrimeGridGenefer 22434.5715.43
28 collatzCollatz Sieve387.820.00
29 PrimeGridAP27 Search354.200.00
30 Einstein@HomeMulti-Directional Gravitational Wave search on O3 (GPU)213.650.00
31 World Community GridHelp Stop TB208.700.00
32 LHC@homeSixTrack203.900.00
33 yafuYAFU for small composites203.870.00
34 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT)185.770.00
35 nanoHUB_at_homeboinc2docker161.050.00
36 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2) (region independent)90.9712.40
37 SETI@homeAstroPulse v785.020.00
38 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers72.550.00
39 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo,GBT,long)53.070.00
40 GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts45.370.00
41 PrimeGridGenefer 1942.180.00
42 ralph@homeRosetta38.300.00
43 World Community GridMicrobiome Immunity Project22.320.00
44 Universe@HomeUniverse ULX19.420.00
45 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long219.100.00
46 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average315.400.00
47 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long14.870.00
48 PrimeGridGenefer 218.550.00
49 SRBaseSierpinski Base5.820.00
50 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional4.870.00
51 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input, checkpoints and progress bar4.580.00
52 PrimeGridGenefer 183.130.00
53 SRBaseSierpinski Base - short2.620.00
54 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average2.580.00
55 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional GPU2.050.00
56 WUProp@HomeTest application2.000.00
57 LHC@homeCMS Simulation1.770.00
58 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Mega1.130.00
59 MindModelingNative R v2.15.1 Application - Full Node (Cross Platform)0.800.00
60 PrimeGridGenefer 160.250.00
61 World Community GridBETA - OpenPandemics - COVID-19 - GPU0.180.00
62 GPUGRIDATMbeta: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding0.120.00
63 GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding0.000.00

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 4:15:30 UTC