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User ID7807
WUProp@Home member since9 Oct 2013
Total credit215,429
Recent average credit14.61
Total hours361,298
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 PrimeGridPPS-Mega (LLR)61,679.920.00
2 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Problem (LLR)57,268.980.00
3 PrimeGridFermat Divisor Search PPS-DIV (LLR)36,896.770.00
4 SETI@homeSETI@home v833,428.720.00
5 PrimeGridPPS (LLR)26,251.6377.63
6 PrimeGridSeventeen or Bust25,125.320.00
7 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr21,249.380.00
8 PrimeGridPPSE (LLR)14,920.320.00
9 yoyo@homeecm9,269.850.00
10 PrimeGrid321 (LLR)7,200.830.00
11 PrimeGridPrime Sierpinski Problem (LLR)6,894.820.00
12 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)6,291.200.00
13 PrimeGridSophie Germain (LLR)5,675.530.00
14 PrimeGridGenefer 184,829.480.00
15 PrimeGridWoodall (LLR)4,786.700.00
16 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Mega4,112.080.00
17 pogsfitsedwrapper4,060.070.00
18 PrimeGridCullen (LLR)3,677.050.00
19 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (LLR)2,933.300.00
20 SETI@homeSETI@home v72,716.150.00
21 PrimeGridGenefer 212,488.280.00
22 Rosetta@homeRosetta2,434.400.00
23 PrimeGridGenefer 162,364.480.00
24 PrimeGridPPS (Sieve)1,859.020.00
25 PrimeGridSierpinski Problem ESP/PSP/SoB (Sieve)1,777.970.00
26 PrimeGridExtended Sierpinski Problem1,720.670.00
27 PrimeGridGenefer 191,467.609.67
28 PrimeGridGenefer 22826.250.00
29 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (Sieve)762.120.00
30 Rosetta@homeRosetta Mini689.320.00
31 GPUGRIDLong runs (8-12 hours on fastest card)641.650.00
32 QMC@HOMEcleanmobility.now628.220.00
33 PrimeGridAP27 Search596.600.00
34 GPUGRIDTest application for CPU MD595.130.00
35 PrimeGridDo You Feel Lucky?591.470.00
36 Test4Theory@HomeTest4Theory vboxwrapper574.130.00
37 PrimeGrid321 (Sieve)432.030.00
38 yoyo@homeOdd Weird Search411.520.00
39 PrimeGridWieferich and Wall-Sun-Sun354.450.00
40 GPUGRIDShort runs (2-3 hours on fastest card)206.750.00
41 PrimeGridGenefer 20175.180.00
42 Leiden ClassicalClassical119.050.00
43 LHC@homeSixTrack96.200.00
44 GPUGRIDCPU only app69.420.00
45 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^2048.750.00
46 GPUGRIDNew version of ACEMD34.820.00
47 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Low19.530.00
48 yoyo@homeM Queens17.330.00
49 Poem@HomePOEM++ OpenCL version12.980.00
50 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (Sieve)7.030.00
51 yoyo@homeMuon6.480.00
52 SETI@homeAstroPulse v70.850.00

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 7:11:02 UTC