Posts by Bill F

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1) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10669)
Posted 27 May 2024 by Profile Bill F
my 3rd star has gone LIME

Congratulations those are big numbers
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10593)
Posted 13 Apr 2024 by Profile Bill F

How observant a person is .. is subject to the perspective point used.

You are pretty good !
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10508)
Posted 4 Mar 2024 by Profile Bill F
Congratulations Mikey !!!
4) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10499)
Posted 28 Feb 2024 by Profile Bill F
The Admin for Milkyway has posted that he will be doing Server Maintenance tomorrow the 28th and will be loading the first batch of tasks for a new application.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10459)
Posted 5 Feb 2024 by Profile Bill F
LODA had an announcement that they have suspended operations and are evaluating how and where their next development effort will be. No indication if BOINC would be involved.

Cosmology@home has been unattended for awhile and the former Admin "pokes" it every once in awhile. There were a couple of postings of third hand news but basically no direct news. I reached out to the primary researcher about 18 months ago and got a polite response but nothing changed. IMHO not worth wasting electricity on.

I don't have any knowledge on Wanless

Bill F
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10455)
Posted 4 Feb 2024 by Profile Bill F
Congratulations Conan
7) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10449)
Posted 28 Jan 2024 by Profile Bill F
Gaaaaaaaaaah ... I have less than 500 hours to get to 100k on the Universe BHspin v2 Appm with my 2 Androids, I still have Wu's running on both of them, will have to see if I get any new ones ...

Steve they have been a solid project for many years I suspect that they will be back just the way they promised in their posting. A little while bank I rolled past my 50,000 hour and changed a star color and they have a nice Badge for 5+ million credits. you will get your 100K

Bill F
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10348)
Posted 9 Dec 2023 by Profile Bill F
Congratulations on the sapphire. My 8th just turned gold and I am happy as a clam.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Parlea ARM app's (Message 10334)
Posted 28 Nov 2023 by Profile Bill F
Tasks for Parlea currently available are for ARM and Android devices.

Bill F
10) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10221)
Posted 17 Sep 2023 by Profile Bill F
Update on USPEX restart. The Admin has fixed the new Team creation issue.

Bill F
11) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10111)
Posted 28 Jul 2023 by Profile Bill F has tasks for windows and linux
it appears to have changed its name from "adsl" to "ADSL@HOME"
so "Symmetric Prime Tuples" app needs adding somehow
i had a few hours under the old project name, but new ones aren't showing up yet


And now the Project has done a name change to SPT@home. All the users and Apps moved across automatically without detaching and reattaching.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10073)
Posted 8 Jul 2023 by Profile Bill F
At last, first purple

Huge totals in purple. Congratulations
13) Message boards : Number crunching : New BOINC versions 22 May 2023 (Message 10053)
Posted 29 Jun 2023 by Profile Bill F
A new version of the BOINC client is available for Windows, Mac, and Android

Available at
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Negative Run Time Hours (Message 9937)
Posted 27 Apr 2023 by Profile Bill F
Over the past 2 to 3 weeks there have been several days when multiple projects on my account have had negative hours posted for daily hours. In comparing notes with other WuProp volunteers this problem appears to be more than a one off event or a single user issue.

Could the News area be updated with the cause of this if it is known.

Bill F
15) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9894)
Posted 11 Apr 2023 by Profile Bill F
new app at Rosetta@home - "Rosetta Beta" - as usual you can't select the apps you want there - no work showing as available, but i did manage to pick up a solitary resend

Looks like they did at pretty good block of Beta tasks. About 2854 still in progress.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9832)
Posted 16 Mar 2023 by Profile Bill F

(I'm being so chatty, but no one else in my life even understands what I'm doing. "Your computers heat your house? (strange look.)", "What's BOINC?")

I can relate ... So yes my A/C electric bill is higher than most... "You adjust your PC's to run less during the "heat of the day" (2pm - 4pm) ??

At least with SETI gone I don't have to put up with searching for little green men jokes anymore.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9772)
Posted 10 Mar 2023 by Profile Bill F has a new app "Cycle Search" with multiple Android varieties

Hours are not showing up yet....
I have completed one task ~1.5 HRS on Android and have 2 more currently in progress.

For Android I have one completed in Completed, waiting for validation status and more tasks in "in Progress status.

Bill F
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9682)
Posted 26 Feb 2023 by Profile Bill F
Well my goodness I got my first Magenta star 20 apps to 10,000 hours
19) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9675)
Posted 25 Feb 2023 by Profile Bill F
My old Windows 10 box with a GTX 1060 6gb managed to be in the right time slot when it needed work and snagged 32 Get Decic Fields (nVidia)tasks. All ran successfully and were granted 300 credits each. WUProp shows 8.6 hours.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9641)
Posted 15 Feb 2023 by Profile Bill F
Finally, my 13th star!


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