Posts by fzs600

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1) Message boards : News : Project revival (Message 8825)
Posted 20 Mar 2022 by fzs600
Very good news!

2) Message boards : News : Grid computing center (Message 6003)
Posted 24 Feb 2018 by fzs600
Since there is a rush of AF members posting in a short period I took a look at the team forum. I can personally only speak for myself but I think it applies to all that have posted here on the WUProp forum. I don't believe anyone wishes for Sebastien to leave the WUProp Project or BOINC in general. We wish for him to stay, for WUProp to continue as a valuable BOINC Project and for the data being collected to be of use for all. I have pointed to the data many times on other BOINC project forums for others to use. Most do not even know about it.

I've said it before and some of the people on my own team have agreed on this. WUProp is GREAT for BOINC. Short of projects using paid advertising (not really reasonable) there is absolutely nothing better for BOINC, especially it's smaller projects, than WUProp. There are many projects I would have never heard of if it were not for WUProp. Projects that would not have received as much crunching time if it were not for WUProp. WUProp is absolutely a good thing for BOINC.

When that post about New/Returning apps comes up in the Sticky it's an immediate notification to a lot of users. For new projects there is often a jump in signed up users within a day of that post. Free-DC stats displays a users rank on the day they joined and often there is a spike in WUProp users the day after that post.

I agree with you
3) Message boards : News : Badge 5 sapphire stars reached (Message 1343)
Posted 13 Jul 2013 by fzs600

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