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User ID131717
WUProp@Home member since1 Jan 2016
CountryUnited Kingdom
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Total hours8,476,730
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v2951,950.350.00
2 wanless2Random-base WEP Factorization898,617.200.00
3 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed658,019.700.00
4 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed656,800.150.00
5 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch605,079.070.00
6 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed575,201.020.00
7 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed563,464.130.00
8 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM522,520.400.00
9 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch for rank 10272,623.500.00
10 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^20179,243.550.00
11 SETI@homeSETI@home v8174,547.900.00
12 yoyo@homeM Queens166,990.780.00
13 SETI@home Beta TestSETI@home v8151,509.080.00
14 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr149,851.570.00
15 yoyo@homePerfect Cuboid118,103.450.00
16 LHC@homeSixTrack117,838.880.00
17 collatzCollatz Sieve116,518.920.00
18 yoyo@homeecm113,835.550.00
19 Asteroids@homePeriod Search Application108,555.120.00
20 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo)107,125.470.00
21 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home106,215.430.00
22 Universe@HomeUniverse ULX105,738.130.00
23 Rosetta@homeRosetta103,806.700.00
24 Collatz ConjectureMicro Collatz Conjecture103,384.930.00
25 T.Brada Experiment GridPADLS Total102,031.550.00
26 World Community GridOpenPandemics - COVID 19100,662.730.00
27 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers100,362.820.00
28 World Community GridMicrobiome Immunity Project100,136.280.00
29 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin90,005.900.00
30 T.Brada Experiment GridSymmetric Prime Tuples76,855.980.00
31 Enigma@HomeEnigma 0.76b60,970.050.00
32 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar binary search #156,865.250.00
33 World Community GridSmash Childhood Cancer41,919.750.00
34 yoyo@homeMuon27,416.280.00
35 pogsfitsedwrapper25,301.930.00
36 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O1 all-sky I25,051.120.00
37 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 2^6419,543.870.00
38 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar search #410,038.600.00
39 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresSAT-based search for orthogonal pairs of DLS of order 107,364.120.00
40 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Phase 23,323.070.00
41 World Community GridBeta479.200.00
42 SETI@homeSETI@home v7433.480.00
43 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 2^64 (double check)217.470.00
44 World Community GridBeta Test181.000.00
45 World Community GridOutsmart Ebola Together27.730.00
46 yoyo@homeSiever0.530.00

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 5:30:11 UTC