
Account information

User ID 2698
WUProp@Home member since 9 Oct 2010
Country Switzerland
Total credit 253,251
Recent average credit 45.73
Total hours 805,817
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 Radioactive@HomeRadioactivity Monitor54,648.170.00
2 Gerasim@homespstarter51,240.000.00
3 Gerasim@homeTest separator43,797.070.00
4 Gerasim@homeGet Decic Fields32,633.12176.00
5 Asteroids@homePeriod Search Application28,181.070.00
6 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers26,374.020.00
7 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v224,808.530.00
8 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed24,445.330.00
9 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed24,245.630.00
10 DENIS@homeHuman ventricular cell models optimization24,030.600.00
11 Gerasim@homeODLS BS16,189.280.00
12 NRGFlexAID Docking16,097.350.00
13 pogsfitsedwrapper15,680.730.00
14 Gerasim@homeGraph coloring14,881.250.00
15 PrimeGridPPS (Sieve)14,184.270.00
16 NumberFields@homeGet Decic Fields13,351.130.00
17 rosetta@homeRosetta Mini13,053.380.00
18 Cosmology@HomeCAMB12,965.170.00
19 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed11,510.470.00
20 LHC@homeSixTrack11,294.820.00
21 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed11,290.920.00
22 The Lattice ProjectGARLI11,265.770.00
23 collatzCollatz Sieve10,430.820.00
24 yoyo@homeecm10,256.380.00
25 DENIS@homeNew human ventricular cell model9,297.400.00
26 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock 0.2.0 long tasks8,951.170.00
27 SETI@homeSETI@home v88,907.830.00
28 Rosetta@homeRosetta8,739.100.00
29 Citizen Science GridEXACT Batch Norm With Scaled FMP CNN Trainer8,184.620.00
30 NFS@Home16e Lattice Sieve V57,082.670.00
31 Poem@HomePOEM++6,800.080.00
32 SAT@homeParallelAndDistributedSATsolver6,660.920.00
33 primaboincaprimaboinca6,612.720.00
34 yoyo@homeSiever6,376.770.00
35 TN-Grid PlatformGene Network Application6,178.930.00
36 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^206,058.850.00
37 DockingCharmm 34a25,838.320.00
38 Leiden ClassicalClassical5,778.750.00
39 NFS@Home16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers5,698.430.00
40 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr5,674.250.00
41 yoyo@homeMuon5,584.030.00
42 latinsquaresodlk3@home5,297.480.00
43 NFS@Home15e Lattice Sieve5,212.830.00
44 goofyxGrid@Home NCItest app4,611.570.00
45 boincsimapBOINCSIMAP simap application4,520.270.00
46 DENIS@homeCarro-Rodriguez-Laguna-Pueyo Epicardial Model (Carro et al. 2011) for human ventricular cells4,516.100.00
47 DENIS@HomeDENIS Stable version used to fill the Markers Database4,369.180.00
48 MLC@HomeMachine Learning Dataset Generator4,005.700.00
49 iThena.MeasurementsiThena PERF3,952.020.00
50 World Community GridOutsmart Ebola Together3,740.830.00
51 Universe@Homeuniverse-xray sources v33,691.150.00
52 correlizerCorrelizer Applications3,629.980.00
53 PrimeGridPrime Sierpinski Problem (LLR)3,314.130.00
54 World Community GridMicrobiome Immunity Project3,127.820.00
55 PrimeGridSierpinski Problem ESP/PSP/SoB (Sieve)3,031.020.00
56 DENIS@HomeBeta version of the DENIS Myocyte software for validation3,021.020.00
57 yoyo@homeM Queens3,016.970.00
58 SETI@homeSETI@home v72,946.720.00
59 NFS@Home14e Lattice Sieve2,860.580.00
60 Citizen Science GridEXACT Batch Norm With Pooling CNN Trainer2,791.730.00
61 odlkodlk3@home2,767.450.00
62 odlkodlkmin@home2,744.970.00
63 yoyo@homeevolution@home2,721.370.00
64 World Community GridSmash Childhood Cancer2,689.100.00
65 Acoustics@homeSSPEMDD2,501.930.00
66 World Community GridOpenPandemics - COVID 192,302.630.00
67 wanless2Random-base WEP Factorization2,265.980.00
68 BURPBlender (Windows)2,228.130.00
69 Citizen Science GridSubsetSum@Home Sum Calculator2,215.750.00
70 yoyo@homePerfect Cuboid2,208.570.00
71 Citizen Science GridDNA@Home Gibbs Sampler2,023.370.00
72 odlkodlkmax@home1,924.200.00
73 World Community GridOpenZika1,890.330.00
74 ibercivisCovid-Phym, Fight against SARS-CoV-2 replication1,800.220.00
75 Gerasim@homeGet Symmetrical Tuples1,751.580.00
76 SAT@homePD-SAT for cryptology1,743.930.00
77 yafuYAFU-4t1,707.070.00
78 Universe@Home Testuniverse21,661.250.00
79 PrimeGridPrimorial (PRST)1,656.380.00
80 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM1,616.070.00
81 Distributed Hardware Evolution ProjectDistributed Hardware Evolution Island1,603.270.00
82 FreeHAL@homeFreeHAL 2012 app1,551.280.00
83 PrimeGridPPSE (LLR)1,538.720.00
84 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresSAT-based search for orthogonal pairs of DLS of order 101,507.100.00
85 Poem@HomePOEM++ OpenCL version1,497.170.00
86 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Phase 21,461.050.00
87 DistributedDataMiningBiological Data Analysis: Laryngeal Video Classification1,452.630.00
88 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average21,391.550.00
89 yafuYAFU-8t1,383.470.00
90 Universe@HomeUniverse_simulator1,377.830.00
91 PrimeGridWoodall (LLR)1,309.270.00
92 Moo! WrapperDistributed.net Client1,304.980.00
93 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar search #51,279.050.00
94 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Problem (LLR)1,134.050.00
95 DrugDiscovery@HomeVina1,126.930.00
96 NFS@Home15e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers1,055.080.00
97 SRBaseRiesel Base1,025.700.00
98 SRBaseSierpinski Base - short1,019.020.00
99 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (LLR)1,011.170.00
100 World Community GridUncovering Genome Mysteries1,008.880.00
101 SRBaseSierpinski Base1,008.280.00
102 NumberFields@homeMinimum Discriminant Septics997.270.00
103 VGTU project@HomeVGTU@Home application979.450.00
104 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average3977.700.00
105 fightmalaria@homevina975.330.00
106 yafuYAFU948.900.00
107 yoyo@homeOdd Weird Search855.870.00
108 PrimeGridPPS (LLR)765.800.00
109 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Vina748.630.00
110 XANSONS for CODXaNSoNS BOINC for GPU728.130.00
111 SZTAKI Desktop GridRiemann Zeta Research Project723.650.00
112 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - short693.270.00
113 RamanujanMachineRamanujan Machine662.100.00
114 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base624.480.00
115 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average618.550.00
116 PrimeGridCullen (LLR)615.170.00
117 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch595.550.00
118 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long591.980.00
119 DENIS@HomeCarro et al. New Model583.770.00
120 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2)571.200.00
121 malariacontrol.netopenMalaria test version555.120.00
122 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Parkes PMPS XT)537.720.00
123 SRBaseRiesel Base - short522.250.00
124 EDGeS@HomeRiemann Zeta Research Project521.480.00
125 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin510.630.00
126 malariacontrol.netopenMalaria: A simulator of malaria epidemiology and control (Branch B)478.480.00
127 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (LLR)472.330.00
128 Enigma@HomeEnigma 0.76b462.030.00
129 CAS@homeICT Protein Structure Prediction(2nd Generation)444.670.00
130 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Mega417.170.00
131 VGTU project@HomeVGTU@Home application for grillage optimization410.170.00
132 NumberFields@homeGet Decics with Bounded Discriminant407.670.00
133 World Community GridAfrica Rainfall Project385.930.00
134 PrimeGridSeventeen or Bust373.600.00
135 yafuYAFU for small composites356.400.00
136 MindModeling@BetaNative Pypy v1.9 Application326.020.00
137 Universe@HomeUniverse ULX309.020.00
138 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Low304.250.00
139 SETI@homeAstroPulse v7298.720.00
140 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - AutoDock290.830.00
141 XANSONS for CODXaNSoNS BOINC for CPU (multi-threaded)276.670.00
142 Parlea@HomeGTCL Cycle Search274.330.00
143 MindModeling@BetaACT-R cognitive modeling environment leveraging Clozure Common Lisp270.230.00
144 PrimeGrid321 (LLR)265.780.00
145 DENIS@HomeBeta Testing Version of D.E.N.I.S Application264.400.00
146 SRBaseTF257.670.00
147 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs253.770.00
148 PrimeGridExtended Sierpinski Problem230.770.00
149 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home224.170.00
150 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo,GBT,long)223.050.00
151 malariacontrol.netopenMalaria: A simulator of malaria epidemiology and control (Branch A)208.620.00
152 PrimeGridGenefer 18203.100.00
153 yoyo@homeHarmonious Trees194.550.00
154 FiND@HomeAutodock Vina188.200.00
155 Citizen Science GridEXACT Convolutional Neural Network Trainer187.880.00
156 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA)175.450.00
157 MindModeling@BetaNative Python v2.7 Application169.380.00
158 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (Sieve)164.020.00
159 minecrafthome1.21 Panorama Trial Chamber Cracker160.230.00
160 EDGeS@HomeAutodock VINA159.050.00
161 MindModelingNative Python v2.7 Application (Cross Platform)154.970.00
162 PrimeGridGenefer 21147.200.00
163 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar search #2142.570.00
164 PrimeGridGenefer 16139.830.00
165 World Community GridThe Clean Energy Project - Phase 2135.350.00
166 sudokusudoku@vtaiwan120.550.00
167 latinsquaresodlkmax@home116.200.00
168 ibercivisSearch for wilson primes114.120.00
169 GPUGRIDShort runs (2-3 hours on fastest card)113.280.00
170 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve112.950.00
171 eon2eon client105.570.00
172 PrimeGridAP27 Search102.800.00
173 vdwnumbers.org: Van Der Waerden Numbers Van Der Waerden Numbers102.670.00
174 LHC@homeATLAS Simulation86.880.00
175 Plagiarism@HomeWeb checker82.000.00
176 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^2181.520.00
177 MindModeling@BetaNative [R] v2.15.1 Application73.670.00
178 Milkyway@HomeMilkyway@Home Separation (Modified Fit) 65.670.00
179 qosQuality of Service using Volunteer Computing53.430.00
180 RNA Worldcmsearch XXL (long)
181 PrimeGridGenefer 2042.730.00
182 PrimeGridGenefer 1541.820.00
183 World Community GridHelp Stop TB38.550.00
184 convector.fsv.cvut.cz52barV333.930.00
185 PrimeGridGenefer 1927.730.00
186 Citizen Science GridEXACT MNIST Batch Norm CNN Trainer20.870.00
187 Gerasim@homeprime search20.230.00
188 yoyo@homeecm P220.100.00
189 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home N-Body Simulation18.000.00
190 VolPExREMD Protein Folding16.680.00
191 ralph@homeRosetta14.070.00
192 BURPBlender11.470.00
193 LHC@homeTheory Simulation6.270.00
194 SZTAKI Desktop GridNumSys Search5.420.00
195 Cosmology@Homeplanck_param_sims2.000.00
196 PrimeGridGenefer 221.900.00
197 Cosmology@Homecamb_boinc2docker0.530.00
198 GPUGRIDLong runs (8-12 hours on fastest card)0.470.00
199 MindModelingACT-R cognitive modeling environment using Clozure Common Lisp (Cross Platform)0.450.00
200 EDGeS@HomeAutodock
201 ConstellationTrackJack0.380.00
202 PrimeGridSophie Germain (LLR)0.130.00
203 PrimeGridPPS-Mega (LLR)0.070.00

©2025 Sébastien

Generated 21 Jan 2025, 2:09:00 UTC