Michael Goetz

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User ID 7138
WUProp@Home member since 18 Apr 2013
Country United States
Total credit 1,058,230
Recent average credit 141.40
Total hours 1,727,908
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Team Antarctic Crunchers
Message boards 168 posts
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Eudy Silva


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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 PrimeGridSeventeen or Bust117,674.370.00
2 iThena.MeasurementsiThena CNode115,267.470.00
3 World Community GridOpenPandemics - COVID 19100,187.770.00
4 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers100,151.330.00
5 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Problem (LLR)99,082.270.00
6 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr73,378.620.00
7 PrimeGridSophie Germain (LLR)50,089.480.00
8 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed48,743.250.00
9 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed48,333.680.00
10 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed48,119.820.00
11 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed47,786.030.00
12 PrimeGridSierpinski/Riesel Base 5 Sieve47,699.030.00
13 Asteroids@homePeriod Search Application46,755.700.00
14 PrimeGridFermat Divisor Search PPS-DIV (LLR)43,917.120.00
15 PrimeGridPPSE (LLR)40,780.57499.23
16 iThena.MeasurementsiThena OONI Probe39,692.370.00
17 PrimeGrid321 (Sieve)31,607.070.00
18 PrimeGridPrime Sierpinski Problem (LLR)28,498.950.00
19 iThena.MeasurementsiThena PERF28,447.550.00
20 PrimeGridExtended Sierpinski Problem27,990.150.00
21 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (LLR)27,790.900.00
22 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Mega26,248.400.00
23 PrimeGridPPS-Mega (LLR)26,036.220.00
24 PrimeGridWoodall (LLR)25,306.720.00
25 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo,GBT)23,562.730.00
26 PrimeGridCullen (LLR)20,113.980.00
27 PrimeGridGenefer 2119,777.5023.00
28 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (LLR)18,003.230.00
29 PrimeGridGeneralized Cullen/Woodall (Sieve)17,819.580.00
30 PrimeGrid321 (LLR)17,352.270.00
31 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v217,174.950.00
32 Moo! WrapperDistributed.net Client16,374.770.00
33 PrimeGridGenefer 1615,240.480.00
34 PrimeGridWieferich and Wall-Sun-Sun14,466.080.00
35 PrimeGridGenefer 17 Low13,824.300.00
36 World Community GridSmash Childhood Cancer11,987.630.00
37 PrimeGridPrimorial (PRST)11,056.730.00
38 SETI@home Beta TestSETI@home v810,272.500.00
39 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-11 MEGA Prime Search10,136.370.00
40 SETI@homeSETI@home v810,134.320.00
41 World Community GridOpenZika10,030.050.00
42 goofyxGrid@Home NCItest app9,046.780.00
43 PrimeGridGenefer 188,676.650.00
44 PrimeGridThe Riesel Problem (Sieve)6,962.450.00
45 PrimeGridAP27 Search5,987.980.00
46 yafuYAFU-64t5,499.730.00
47 PRIVATE GFN SERVERLLR2 testing5,047.700.00
48 PrimeGridGenefer 155,027.220.00
49 PrimeGridGenefer 224,863.720.00
50 PrimeGridPPS (LLR)4,158.480.00
51 yafuYAFU-128t3,599.070.00
52 PrimeGridGenefer 193,529.980.00
53 QMC@HOMEcleanmobility.now3,003.170.00
54 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM2,944.080.00
55 DENIS@homeNew human ventricular cell model2,834.850.00
56 SiDock@homeRxDock on BOINC2,833.170.00
57 pogsfitsedwrapper2,764.220.00
58 DENIS@homeHuman ventricular cell models optimization2,736.120.00
59 T.Brada Experiment GridPADLS Total2,728.130.00
60 Milkyway@homeMilkyway@home N-Body Simulation with Orbit Fitting2,706.070.00
61 PrimeGridPPS (Sieve)2,584.030.00
62 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock on BOINC2,577.200.00
63 Rosetta@homeRosetta2,133.230.00
64 latinsquaresodlk3@home2,079.170.00
65 PrimeGridSierpinski Problem ESP/PSP/SoB (Sieve)1,923.030.00
66 yafuYAFU-4t1,888.530.00
67 PrimeGridGenefer 201,828.270.00
68 latinsquaresodlkmax@home1,749.870.00
69 vdwnumbers.org: Van Der Waerden NumbersVan Der Waerden Numbers1,385.870.00
70 Gaia@home4_Gaia@home1,333.200.00
71 T.Brada Experiment GridSymmetric Prime Tuples1,326.800.00
72 odlkodlk3@home1,320.330.00
73 odlkodlkmin@home1,313.100.00
74 odlkodlkmax@home1,285.630.00
75 Gaia@home2_Gaia@home1,267.380.00
76 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresJoint search of ODLS12 with Gerasim project1,236.800.00
77 iThena.ComputationaliThena GRAPH1,198.200.00
78 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2) (region independent)1,187.050.00
79 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input1,171.050.00
80 SPTSymmetric Prime Tuples1,156.280.00
81 PRIVATE GFN SERVERPRST testing1,134.070.00
82 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-14 MEGA Prime Search1,118.230.00
83 yafuYAFU1,109.200.00
84 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock on BOINC + zipped input, checkpoints and progress bar1,098.780.00
85 RamanujanMachineRamanujan Machine New Key1,098.350.00
86 DENIS@homeBeta version of the DENIS Myocyte software for validation1,096.550.00
87 PrimeGridCullen/Woodall (Sieve)1,065.900.00
88 beef@homefinds prine nunbers1,055.850.00
89 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-13 MEGA Prime Search1,055.270.00
90 LODALODA1,054.880.00
91 Gerasim@homeGet Decic Fields1,051.870.00
92 NFS@Home14e Lattice Sieve1,040.950.00
93 NFS@Home15e Lattice Sieve1,040.170.00
94 Rosetta@homerosetta python projects1,038.020.00
95 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-13 Prime Search1,031.580.00
96 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresGeneralized symmetries in parastrophic slices for DLS of order 101,029.650.00
97 lhcathome-devATLAS Simulation1,017.930.00
98 yafuYAFU for small composites1,017.100.00
99 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresJoint search of DLS spectra with Gerasim project1,016.720.00
100 Gerasim@homeGet Symmetrical Tuples1,012.770.00
101 climateprediction.netUK Met Office HadSM4 at N144 resolution1,012.580.00
102 Gaia@home10_Gaia@home1,007.920.00
103 LHC@homeATLAS (long simulation)1,007.650.00
104 lhcathome-devXtrack beam simulation936.600.00
105 World Community GridBeta849.430.00
106 PrimeGridDo You Feel Lucky?830.150.00
107 Parlea@HomeCycle Search703.730.00
108 climateprediction.netUK Met Office HadAM4 at N216 resolution690.500.00
109 Gaia@home3_Gaia@home685.650.00
110 World Community GridBeta Test644.550.00
111 Acoustics@homeSSPEMDD616.480.00
112 World Community GridAfrica Rainfall Project607.280.00
113 yafuYAFU-16t604.530.00
114 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-12 MEGA Prime Search586.930.00
115 DrugDiscovery@HomeVina584.830.00
116 rosetta@homeRosetta Mini578.370.00
117 ibercivisCovid-Phym, Fight against SARS-CoV-2 replication559.000.00
118 yafuYAFU-8t554.000.00
119 T.Brada Experiment GridSymmetric Twin Prime Tuples547.870.00
120 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-15 MEGA Prime Search544.100.00
121 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-16 MEGA Prime Search535.650.00
122 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long2532.500.00
123 yoyo@homeecm527.530.00
124 World Community GridMicrobiome Immunity Project527.370.00
125 minecrafthomeTrailer Thumbnail 2 Cracker524.350.00
126 minecrafthomeSSG/One-Chunk/One-Block 1.7/1.8519.220.00
127 World Community GridHelp Stop TB509.980.00
128 Gaia@home1_Gaia@home508.700.00
129 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Phase 2501.230.00
130 Gaia@home5_Gaia@home498.330.00
131 Rosetta@homeRosetta Beta495.570.00
132 Gaia@home6_Gaia@home469.000.00
133 Quake-Catcher NetworkQCN Sensor424.170.00
134 yoyo@homePerfect Cuboid405.880.00
135 World Community GridOutsmart Ebola Together389.780.00
136 QuChemPedIA@homeNWChem376.900.00
137 yoyo@homeevolution@home369.570.00
138 Parlea@Homevirtualbox355.600.00
139 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2)353.480.00
140 beef@homeunbeatable seed in minecraft349.000.00
141 SRBaseRiesel Base348.850.00
142 sidocktestTest of CurieDock on BOINC342.150.00
143 Cosmology@HomeCAMB342.070.00
144 SRBaseSierpinski Base328.400.00
145 yoyo@homeSiever316.220.00
146 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long3311.320.00
147 SRBaseSierpinski Base - short310.550.00
148 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional309.700.00
149 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - short308.970.00
150 World Community GridOpenPandemics - COVID-19 - GPU307.820.00
151 MindModelingNative R v2.15.1 Application - Full Node (Cross Platform)298.420.00
152 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresSAT-based search for orthogonal pairs of DLS of order 10296.380.00
153 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average294.030.00
154 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average2291.980.00
155 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch for rank 10289.470.00
156 yoyo@homeM Queens289.370.00
157 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home N-Body Simulation286.250.00
158 NFS@Home15e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers280.000.00
159 lhcathome-devCMS Simulation277.800.00
160 collatzCollatz Sieve274.000.00
161 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^21272.170.00
162 SRBaseRiesel Base - short270.450.00
163 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home268.320.00
164 NumberFields@homeGet Decic Fields265.670.00
165 primaboincaprimaboinca263.950.00
166 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresJoint search of ODLS9 with Gerasim project261.500.00
167 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - long261.020.00
168 Parlea@HomeGTCL Cycle Search260.880.00
169 NFS@Home16e Lattice Sieve for smaller numbers259.300.00
170 sidocktestTest of RxDock on BOINC258.770.00
171 Gerasim@homespstarter258.470.00
172 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-14 Prime Search257.470.00
173 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base257.350.00
174 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar search #5250.050.00
175 climateprediction.netUK Met Office HadAM4 at N144 resolution221.750.00
176 SRBaseSierpinski / Riesel Base - average3205.800.00
177 Distributed Hardware Evolution ProjectDistributed Hardware Evolution Island205.300.00
178 MLC@HomeMachine Learning Dataset Generator (test)186.430.00
179 yafuYAFU-32t180.800.00
180 SiDock@homeCurieMarieDock 0.2.0 long tasks177.420.00
181 LHC@homeATLAS Simulation167.700.00
182 climateprediction.netUK Met Office HadCM3 short163.570.00
183 CompositeGridCullen/Woodall (Sieve)158.350.00
184 Einstein@HomeMulti-Directional Gravitational Wave search on O3 (CPU)156.870.00
185 ibercivisAutodock Vina, beta app150.200.00
186 MindModelingACT-R cognitive modeling environment using Clozure Common Lisp (Cross Platform)146.570.00
187 GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding145.200.00
188 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (MeerKAT)144.730.00
189 lhcathome-devATLAS very long simulation144.470.00
190 odlk2025Calculate Tuples142.080.00
191 ralph@homeRosetta141.700.00
192 iThena.ComputationaliThena HEX139.800.00
193 Gerasim@homeGet Decic Fields (Linux)137.230.00
194 GPUGRIDNew version of ACEMD134.470.00
195 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave Engineering run on LIGO O1 Open Data134.030.00
196 Gerasim@homeODLS BS130.700.00
197 climateprediction.netOpenIFS 43r3 Baroclinic Lifecycle130.320.00
198 lhcathome-devTheory Simulation129.930.00
199 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O3AS Engineering127.730.00
200 Kryptos@HomeKryptos Plato: Searching for Hill cipher solutions126.680.00
201 climateprediction.netOpenIFS 43r3 Perturbed Surface125.070.00
202 Rosetta@homeRosetta for Android124.550.00
203 boincboi_testbed_mchMultichunk population seed cactus stacking123.030.00
204 MindModelingNative Python v2.7 Application (Cross Platform)122.520.00
205 LHC@homeTheory Simulation121.580.00
206 Gerasim@homeGraph coloring119.820.00
207 GPUGRIDATMbeta: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding118.680.00
208 NFS@Home16e Lattice Sieve V5118.050.00
209 LHC@homesixtracktest117.800.00
210 minecrafthome1.20 Find seeds with zero villages within a radius116.630.00
211 MindModelingACT-R cognitive modeling environment using Clozure Common Lisp (Linux Only)115.970.00
212 BOINC@TACCboinc2docker115.130.00
213 wanless2Random-base WEP Factorization111.170.00
214 LHC@homeTheory Native110.920.00
215 Universe@HomeBlack Hole Database110.920.00
216 malariacontrol.netopenMalaria: A simulator of malaria epidemiology and control (Branch A)110.750.00
217 minecrafthomeSinglechunk population seed cactus stacking110.380.00
218 PRIVATE GFN SERVERFactorial / Primorial sieve110.120.00
219 SRBaseTF110.070.00
220 MLC@HomeMachine Learning Dataset Generator110.000.00
221 Einstein@HomeContinuous Gravitational Wave search O2 All-Sky109.450.00
222 Gerasim@homeTest separator108.930.00
223 boincsimapBOINCSIMAP simap application108.750.00
224 SETI@home Beta TestAstroPulse v7108.730.00
225 Cosmology@Homecamb_boinc2docker108.230.00
226 minecrafthomeMultichunk population seed cactus stacking108.230.00
227 Universe@HomeUniverse ULX107.970.00
228 RamanujanMachineRamanujan Machine107.900.00
229 Gerasim@homeGet Decic Fields (nVidia)107.820.00
230 QuChemPedIA@homeNWChem long107.270.00
231 minecrafthomeTriple-chunk sand-based terrain filtering105.950.00
232 LHC@homeSixTrack105.900.00
233 nanoHUB_at_homeboinc2docker105.350.00
234 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^20105.220.00
235 SETI@homeAstroPulse v7105.170.00
236 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch105.020.00
237 GPUGRIDLong runs (8-12 hours on fastest card)104.970.00
238 Einstein@HomeBinary Radio Pulsar Search (Arecibo,GBT,long)104.880.00
239 LHC@homeCMS Simulation104.670.00
240 MLC@HomeMachine Learning Dataset Generator (GPU)104.670.00
241 yoyo@homeecm P2104.180.00
242 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave search O2 Multi-Directional GPU103.870.00
243 Einstein@HomeGravitational Wave S6 Directed Search (CasA)103.550.00
244 PRIVATE GFN SERVERGFN-1x Small Primes103.350.00
245 GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts103.320.00
246 Einstein@HomeAll-Sky Gravitational Wave search on O3102.280.00
247 GPUGRIDShort runs (2-3 hours on fastest card)102.270.00
248 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs102.180.00
249 Einstein@HomeMulti-Directional Gravitational Wave search on O3 (GPU)100.670.00
250 XANSONS for CODXaNSoNS BOINC for GPU87.930.00
251 World Community GridBETA - OpenPandemics - COVID-19 - GPU64.270.00
252 Citizen Science GridEXACT Batch Norm With Scaled FMP CNN Trainer64.120.00
253 Gaia@home24_Gaia@home48.980.00
254 CompositeGrid321 (Sieve)44.050.00
255 GPUGRIDATMML: Free energy with neural networks34.2818.53
256 minecrafthomeMain menu panorama seed scanning19.980.00
257 CompositeGridWieferich and Wall-Sun-Sun17.430.00
258 XANSONS for CODXaNSoNS BOINC for CPU (multi-threaded)14.050.00
259 CompositeGridSophie Germain (LLR)3.730.00
260 Enigma@HomeEnigma Cuda3.670.00
261 ralph@homeGeneralized biomolecular modeling and design with RoseTTAFold All-Atom2.380.00
262 Gaia@home23_Gaia@home1.230.00
263 Gaia@home1018_Gaia@home0.600.00
264 CompositeGridDo You Feel Lucky?0.380.00
265 Gaia@home1000_Gaia@home0.380.00
266 CompositeGridGenefer 150.220.00
267 RNA Worldcmsearch XXL (long)
268 SETI@homeSETI@home v70.120.00
269 CompositeGridGenefer 160.120.00
270 MindModeling@BetaACT-R cognitive modeling environment leveraging Clozure Common Lisp0.120.00
271 Kryptos@HomeKryptos Aristotle: Faster and more explorative search for Hill cipher solutions0.070.00
272 ralph@homeRosetta for Android Beta0.050.00
273 Gaia@home1011_Gaia@home0.030.00
274 T.Brada Experiment GridLua Alfa0.020.00

©2025 Sébastien

Generated 21 Jan 2025, 2:58:43 UTC