Last updated 22 Feb 2025, 16:30:03 UTC

snopper ("I also crunch in other projects: ")
Sir Stooper ("I like shrubberies. I like big shrubberies, I like small shrubberies. I like evergreen...")
Shann ("Juste pour pouvoir être UotD... Just to be UotD...")
Steven Pletsch ("Hello ! Thanks for looking, We are Steve and Laura, techno-junkies who make a living...")
SM6GXQ Peter Lindquist ("My hobbies are: Space Physics and other science Computers Gardening Ham radio,...")
Sysadm@Nbg ("cogito ergo sum sagt mein Computer, und damit er was zu denken hat crunche ich - a...")
Swordfish ("I am a proud member of the best team anywhere – Seti.USA!!! I have been crunching...")
Simon Thomsen ("I'm a 33 year old primary school teacher from Copenhagen, Denmark. My primary subjects of...")
SG-Booster ("Der SETI.Germany-Booster Die Idee zum SG-Booster entstand im Jahre 2007, als man sich...")
Steve_Martin@SETI.USA ("No more Time Zones No more Daylight Savings One World, One Time UTC UTC UTC UTC")

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