Last updated 21 Dec 2024, 16:15:02 UTC

Dingo ("I am an Aussie born in Canada over sixty years ago, lived in Australia most of my life,...")
Conan ("Member of Cobar Spiders. I enjoy science and statistics so running projects for science is...")
rebel9 ("BOINC enthusiast. Programmer.")
veebee ("A proud, long time member of Boinc @ Austraklia, though sadly will soon be needing to...")
d_worms ("Hi I'm David lives in Sydney AU")
hiigaran ("- Australian - Distributed-computing fanatic - Pilot (no, autopilots can't run BOINC)")
Screaming97135Eagle ("I live in Brisbane Australia. I have been crunching projects on and off since the middle of...")
Philip ("Just a cruncher from down under")

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