Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 15:55:02 UTC

petnek ("Hi, I´m Petr (29 years). I live in Prague (Czech Republic). My hobbies are PC, BOINC,...")
tatik ("Hi, my name is Tomas, I´m from Rymarov. It´s small town in the Czech republic. My...")
Aphrael_Thief ("Přezdívka: Thief Aphrael Email: Osobní stránky: moje...")
Zelvuska ("Student of physics from Czech Republic.")
Meharts ("Hi I'm from Czech Republic, my name is David") ("Hi, i am from Czech Republic, Ostrava city")
Karelvovsik ("Hi! My name is Karel.I living and working on Southwest Czech Republic. I am interested in...")
Hanbanaroda ("Hello! I'm from Czech Republic and I was born a few days before Velvet revolution. My...")
bundaboy ("Greetings from Prague, Czech Republic! :)")

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