Last updated 7 Sep 2024, 15:55:02 UTC

stiven ("")
3Rni ("")
migawron ("My name i Michal,I'm from Poland. Member of BOINC@POLAND team")
Slavkoyama (" My shikona is Slavkoyama. Yeah, not a pseudonym but shikona, a ring name of a sumo...")
Radegast ("")
matszpk ("Hello. I am Mateusz Szpakowski and I am living Poland. My passions is computers,...")
Dario666 ("I am Dario666 from Poland and I compute for team BOINC@Poland ")
cp ("Hi, I crunch from Wroclaw, Poland. I'm part of BOINC@Poland team")
PDH ("")
Aurinko ("Mam na imię Robert. Mam 43 lata. Urodziłem się i mieszkam w Polsce ,w...")

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