Last updated 22 Feb 2025, 16:30:03 UTC

Bertram ("Hi! I am a musician(violinist) and violin and bow maker and I live in Wilmette, Illinois....")
Opolis ("Mechanical Engineer from California, USA. I love computers, cars, music, sports, and...")
Nick Embrey ("I'm from the US")
Highlander_6596 ("As an immortal, I've lived as many people and have had many occupations. The work that...")
bcavnaugh (" Crunching@EVGA The Number One Team in the BOINC Community. Folding@EVGA The Number One...")
planetclown ("I enjoy following recent trends in sciences and technology, and the ways in which they can...")
RFGuy_KCCO ("Proud member of Team [H]ard|OCP!")
UncleGregy ("Cambridge, Wisconsin, USA Crunching numbers to expand our knowledge of our world and the...")
TyphooN [Gridcoin] ("I have been a long term BOINC supporter, but began to mine Bitcoin in 2011 with my GPUs...")
3Bens-2 ("Awesome, just awesome... Prepare for Technology... From the past, go find it!!!")

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