Posts by Michael Goetz

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1) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10710)
Posted 21 Jun 2024 by Profile Michael Goetz
When I try to join from BOINC, I get "the project is not accepting new accounts".

When I try to join from the website (which is how I usually join), it tells me the invitation code is wrong.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10704)
Posted 20 Jun 2024 by Profile Michael Goetz
thank you rebirther!

Data Freezer appears to be Linux only....

yeah.. also no new tasks at this moment...

And they seem to have changed the invitation code.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : GPU suggestions? (Message 10563)
Posted 31 Mar 2024 by Profile Michael Goetz
My expenditures went into CPU cores last winter and this winter other expenses are taking my BOINC hardware budget.
SiDock suggested they might start working on protein models of a Corona virus, that has not jumped to humans yet, that is causing havoc in pig farming; deaths to extreme diarrhea.
So I'm content with the CPU cores path (also the efficiency of GPU's has some projects years ahead in data and shutting down some GPU WU's).

Please offer me a suggestion for the lowest cost NVidia card that can actually run these as my 1060 only has 3GB. It seems 8GB VRAM might not be enough, IDK.

GPUGRID ATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding 0.00 347.98
GPUGRID Quantum chemistry calculations on GPU 0.00 394.30

Last time I looked, that quantum app at GPUGRID was linux only.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 10537)
Posted 16 Mar 2024 by Profile Michael Goetz
Yea Me, I managed to get 5 100,000 Hr Purple Stars, I believe Zombie67 is the only other one with that distinction ... :)

A bit late, but a BIG congratulations! That's a mind-boggling achievement.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9928)
Posted 23 Apr 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
Question for Michael Goetz:

Is Composite Grid exporting to Free-DC?

The website has me with 3.9m credit, but I don't have evidence of ever doing a WU for, so guessing that you cloned the main site to the dev site and got my credit from my prior history?

I don't see a setting for exporting results.

Looked at the Free-DC All Projects page and don't see Composite Grid in archived or current so guessing no export or I'm not using that section correctly.

Free-dc (and probably every other stats site) knows (or should know) not to use stats from CompositeGrid. Off the top of my head I don't know if the export directory is accessible or not, but the stats that are there, if there are any, are useless.

Dev uses a copy of the live database, so what you see there is what you had on PrimeGrid about half a year ago.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9927)
Posted 23 Apr 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
7) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9896)
Posted 12 Apr 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
Primegrid has restarted cpu apps for Genefer15 4.03 (cpuGFN15_mt) in the Generalized Fermat Prime Search tasks section.

This doesn't really affect WUProp, since it's the same app, just different app_versions.

GFN-15 also has apps now for Intel ARC, ARM, and Apple M1.
8) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9800)
Posted 12 Mar 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
Anybody know why GoofyX Monkeys v1 is showing as active? I don't see anything in the auto news about it being active.

Active or not active depends on whether there's been recently run tasks in that app, as reported by the WUProp tasks.

That leaves just two possibilities:

1) A bug at WUProp. I consider this unlikely since it's only affecting that one app.

2) Somebody, somewhere, either restored a backup of their BOINC directory, or booted a long-inactive disk drive which havened to have a BOINC installation that was running GoofyxGrid. When BOINC started up, it resumed running the long-orphaned task, which the next WUProp task reported to the server. The server then marked the application as active.

There's problems with both theories. Pick whichever one you like best.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : couldn't start app: CreateProcess() failed - (unknown error) (Message 9571)
Posted 18 Jan 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
Sorry Link, but Rosetta does not run on XP anymore. I have XP and was blocked from Rosetta over a year ago.
However Asteroids, Numberfields, TNGrid all do run on 32 bit XP but no hours will be recorded on this web site unfortunately.

I will have to see what data is essential to keep and maybe change that computer to Linux 64 bit which will run heaps of things, however that AMD Phenom is now around 10 years old (80GB hard drive still going strong) so hoping it will run a bit longer.


Run linux in a VM, and you can use the VM to attach to projects which can no longer support XP. For CPU Linux apps, at least.

And, yes, it definitely can be done. I was using VMs on XP back when XP was the current version of Windows. Specifically, I was running 64 bit Linux in a VM under 32 bit Windows XP (on a 64 bit CPU, of course.) It's possible it requires a CPU with hardware virtualization. At that time, some CPUs had it, some didn't. And, no, I don't remember the details. My guess is you would need a really old version of VMWare Player.
10) Message boards : Number crunching : couldn't start app: CreateProcess() failed - (unknown error) (Message 9566)
Posted 17 Jan 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
We ran into the same problem developing apps at PrimeGrid: it's close to impossible to develop apps that will run on current versions of Windows as well as XP, so 32 bit XP had to go. 64 bit XP was harder still, and was dropped years ago.

I don't speak for Sebastian, but it wasn't that we didn't want to support XP but rather that it became prohibitively difficult to do so.
11) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9533)
Posted 7 Jan 2023 by Profile Michael Goetz
Will boycotting a project because the people there happen to have been born in a country whose leaders are behaving badly make the world a better place?

Probably not, but it might make you feel better because you're "doing something". It's very frustrating to see injustice and be powerless to set it right.

Conversely, will playing nice with those same people make the world a better place? Probably not today, but someday things will get back to normal, or at least more normal than they are now. When and if that time comes, having good relations with people who might be seen today as the "enemy" but are as blameless as you or I might be a good thing.

It should be noted that even today Russia and the US continue to cooperate in operating the International Space Station. Both sides not only see it as mutually beneficial, but also it's one GOOD thing that's happening in that relationship. That good will has always been thought of as a good thing in itself that can help thaw otherwise frosty relations. (Yes, I know Russia is threatening to pull out of the ISS, but they always do that, and it's an empty threat. That would leave them in a far worse position than they are now, and in a far worse position than the US.)
12) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9464)
Posted 16 Dec 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
Parlea@Home URL?
15.5k tasks returned according to WUProp

Note that he doesn't have an SSL certificate, so no https.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Badge upgrades thread (Message 9462)
Posted 16 Dec 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz

11th star!
14) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9443)
Posted 6 Dec 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
GGGGAAAAAAAAA ... Was lucky enough to get 1 of the RNA Wu's yesterday but it erred out immediately after starting ....

Me too. After many, many years of trying to snag one of those.

The computer that got it? A 10+ year old Atom-powered netbook. The task lasted 11 minutes before erroring out. I got 0.20 hours. Oh joy. If I can just get 499 more of those, I'll get a star. LOL
15) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9231)
Posted 14 Jul 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
That is a bit of a bummer, I thought I had a new one.

Oh well I will increase my hours maybe get a different colour.

I can't check anything at the moment as the site is down and I can't report results.


It appears to be back up.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Charity Engine apps (Message 9113)
Posted 4 Jun 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
I have an account with Charity Engine how do I get those tasks to work with Boinc so I get credits for the hours I put in over there?

Current tasks from Charity Engine are:
ce11, ce22 and ce23

If you're looking for WUProp hours, it won't work. Don't bother knocking yourself out trying to make it work.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Android (Message 9103)
Posted 29 May 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
For the last couple of months, my Android Fire tablets (3 of them) have simply not been getting any WUProp tasks. The logs show they request tasks from the server, but the server doesn't send any.

It's as if the plan_class_spec for those specs is requiring something on the host that these tablets don't satisfy. I can run real tasks (WCG, Einstein, Yoyo, etc.) just fine, but I can't get tasks from WUProp. These tablets *used* to work just fine, but something changed on the WUProp server.

Here's the three tablets:

I fixed a problem with plan specifications.

That worked. Thank you!!!!
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Android (Message 9084)
Posted 27 May 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
For the last couple of months, my Android Fire tablets (3 of them) have simply not been getting any WUProp tasks. The logs show they request tasks from the server, but the server doesn't send any.

It's as if the plan_class_spec for those specs is requiring something on the host that these tablets don't satisfy. I can run real tasks (WCG, Einstein, Yoyo, etc.) just fine, but I can't get tasks from WUProp. These tablets *used* to work just fine, but something changed on the WUProp server.

Here's the three tablets:
19) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9042)
Posted 14 May 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
My first task pulled a 195 error unknown on one of my Win 10 systems. Git installed with default options.

Bill F

Make sure to run a few tasks before deciding it doesn't work. If it's using GIT, it's relying on the Internet and external servers, and those outside parts could have temporary problems.

LODA has to be installed by GIT, so this caution applies. I don't know if this has to be done for the first task, or for every task.

EDIT: I've seen the first task(s) fail, only to have subsequent identical tasks work fine.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 9037)
Posted 14 May 2022 by Profile Michael Goetz
Getting nothing but errors even with GIT Insttalled.

It’s working for me on both Win 10 and Linux Debian Buster.

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