Posts by Link

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1) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10687)
Posted 12 Jun 2024 by Link
I noticed that GoofyxGrid Monkey apps are not red on my app Goofy actually running? Should I put my computers working towards getting hours? Two of the apps are just shy of 25k hours, and it would be nice if I could get all 4 to 50k hours.

I keep trying but no tasks have been coming my way for a LONG time

You can (and should) stop trying, the domain isn't even registered anymore, it's available to buy. Considering everyone can buy it, I'd even recommend to detach from that project for safety reasons.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10684)
Posted 11 Jun 2024 by Link
is Goofy actually running?

No, only someone reactivated a computer, which had still some in cache.
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Mac Book gets No Wu's (Message 10666)
Posted 25 May 2024 by Link
The Linux box I have doesn't have squat for connectors so I'll probably have to just run a separate power supply outside the box on that one. I see I have a 1000 watt power supply as a spare so I'll use that on the Linux Box.

If one power supply has enough power (and won't run close to the limit), better use just one. If it's just missing the right connectors, simply cut off some unused molex connectors and connect the adapters that came with the cards with some standard electic connectors (WAGO or luster clamps). Even just pushing the cables from the adapters into the molex connectors without removing it might work, depending on how thick the cables are. That's how my current PSU had a 2nd 6-pin PCI-E connector while it was powering my now retired GTX 275, when upgrading my system, I simply pulled them out and the PSU has still all the connectors it came with.
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Mac Book gets No Wu's (Message 10653)
Posted 20 May 2024 by Link
didn't know I needed a specific OS to get Wuprop Wu's

You need Intel CPU or emulation of it on Apple M CPU, OS just needs to be 10.5 or newer, you have that.

I can't find a Mac Laptop with at least a 10.5 OS, most of the older ones have older OS than that or just don't specify what exact OS they have ...

BRP4A is for ARM Macs only, i.e. those with Apple's M CPUs, not for older Intel Macs, they run BRP4 as you can see on Einstein's applications page. AFAIK there should be a way to run applications, which were compiled for Intel Macs on the M-Macs, but that you will have to google yourself. There are Apple M1 and M2 running WUProp, no idea if Apple removed x64 emulation completely on the new M3 Macs or what needs to be done to enable it.

Yes, it's time for WUProp to release native application for Mac OS on ARM.
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Mac Book gets No Wu's (Message 10648)
Posted 19 May 2024 by Link
Well, it can still do real scientific work for other projects, even if not many projects have applications for Mac OS on ARM. If you bought it just for crunching, a Windows or Linux PC for 25% of that price might indeed have been a better choice.
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Mac Book gets No Wu's (Message 10646)
Posted 19 May 2024 by Link
I bought a Mac Book & have BOINC running on it but the WuProp Site doesn't give it any WuProp Wu's ???

Your MacBook has M3 CPU, i.e. ARM. WUProp does not have an application for Mac OS running on ARM, only for "Intel 64-bit Mac OS 10.5 or later". Check if your Mac has Apple's x86 emulation and if BOINC sees it and reports to the servers (it should be than included in between <alt_platform> and </alt_platform>. If it's missing, you won't get any WUs from WUProp.
7) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10633)
Posted 10 May 2024 by Link
I don't disagree with you but am quite happy, as have others, to be crunching a new for me app.

Yes, I can imagine you are happy with it as it is. ;-)
8) Message boards : Number crunching : News of Projects and Apps Starting and Ending... (Message 10631)
Posted 10 May 2024 by Link
It's a new plan_class, not a new application, if the period_search(win10) hours count to "Period Search Application", than it is recognized correctly. Mikey's fma_macos_1014 should also be counted to his "Period Search Application" hours, it's a mistake in WUProp's database, it's not even showing as active even he is submitting hours for it.

I also had a similar "issue" once, it was corrected after I reported it and all hours went into one application. That was caused by Einstein changing application names, no idea what caused the creation of fma_macos_1014 as separate application, but the admin should have a look at it.
9) Message boards : Number crunching : No Wuprop Tasks Available ? (Message 10512)
Posted 4 Mar 2024 by Link
Yes, and tasks returned after 4 Mar 2024, 17:30 UTC (or so) are "waiting for validation".
10) Message boards : Number crunching : Bug in logic (Message 10498)
Posted 25 Feb 2024 by Link
I've noticed it as well so now I run short gpu tasks until the wuprop task gets sent back then I stop the gpu tasks and shut down the pc.

I simply set WUProp to NNT more than one hour before the tasks finish. Not much to care about IMHO, the results page, which is the only "scientific" result of this project is half broken since years now (and I'm not sure it was ever fully functional) and all results are deleted after 72 hours instead of keeping them for those who want to check something. This is insane. On Grafana for example I can go back in history nearly two years, why not on WUProp?
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Bug in logic (Message 10496)
Posted 25 Feb 2024 by Link
So there needs to be logic in it, if there are known workload in a task and then no workload, the task should end as normal on the 1 hour mark and report the less than 1 hour of work it had obtained.

Actually it could end instantly when the computer runs out of other work and the credits could be adjusted to the time it has run (just like they are adjusted when BOINC is running with disabled network for some time and the task runs longer).

Than, if the user didn't suspend work fetch from WUProp, the next task could have a limit of 24-72 hours (or simply the deadline if possible) if running without other work.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : LHC Theory and Theory Native are being confused (Message 10430)
Posted 16 Jan 2024 by Link
10 LHC@home Theory Simulation 19,524.78 0.00
16 LHC@home Theory Native 11,087.47 0.00

And as you see, you have hours for "Theory Simulation" and not "Theory Simulation (vbox64_theory)", so hours for "Theory Simulation (native_theory)" should be added to it too. Likely LHC had it in the past as separate application (perhaps for testing) and it was merged later with Theory Simulation or the "Theory Native" application simply does not exist anymore and it is not the same thing as "Theory Simulation 300.08 (native_theory)". Either way, from BOINC's point of view "Theory Native" does not exist anymore and you can't collect hours for it.
13) Message boards : Number crunching : Radioactive (Message 10425)
Posted 12 Jan 2024 by Link
Once upon a time there were eight (!) different Quake Catcher Networks *projects*, that all required just one sensor, and could all be run -even simultaniously, being NCI- on the original single core Raspberry Pi.
They all had their own URL:
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network Sensor Monitoring
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network Continual Monitoring
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network EMSC / CSEM
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network Continual EMSC / CSEM
    [*]La Red Atrapa de Sismos
    [*]La Red Atrapa de Sismos Continuo (offline)
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network (Taiwan)
    [*]Quake-Catcher Network Continual (Taiwan)

Nothing wrong with running many different NCI applications from different projects (or even from the same project if they have more than one). The limits were targeting people running dozens or even hundreds of BOINC clients on the same computer, all running nothing else than same set of NCI apps.
14) Message boards : Number crunching : Radioactive (Message 10411)
Posted 7 Jan 2024 by Link
A few years ago, I introduced a limitation on multiple clients for same host. Users was complaining about this. So I removed it.
Look what's happening when there are no limitations.

This limitations should come back, there's no reason to run more than one instance of a serious NCI application. NCI is monitoring something, no reason to monitor same thing hundreds of times. If it makes any sense to run an NCI application more than once at a time, it's up to the project admins to set up a reasonable amount of applications.
15) Message boards : Number crunching : Android stays suspended ? (Message 10379)
Posted 25 Dec 2023 by Link
I use a fullscreen clock app on my android, so it displays time and date all the time while crunching in the background.

I found the Clock Screen Saver on mine ...

Well, sure, if the phone has it, it's probably the best choice.
16) Message boards : Number crunching : Android stays suspended ? (Message 10373)
Posted 24 Dec 2023 by Link
I use a fullscreen clock app on my android, so it displays time and date all the time while crunching in the background. The app I'm using isn't anymore in the Play Store, but there are many similar ones available. Very useful actually IMHO, Android cruncher and a clock in one device.
17) Message boards : Number crunching : Android stays suspended ? (Message 10371)
Posted 24 Dec 2023 by Link
I had to uninstall the latest version so lost all my stats for that device on WCG

If you root the device, you can backup and restore BOINC's data dir as on PC or even update ca-bundle.crt when needed without updating BOINC.
18) Message boards : Number crunching : Android stays suspended ? (Message 10366)
Posted 23 Dec 2023 by Link
You can always download any version you want from the official download dir, boinc_7.18.1.apk is also in there.
19) Message boards : Number crunching : Why has the project been down for multiple consecutive hours in last number of days? (Message 10338)
Posted 30 Nov 2023 by Link
28/11/2023 17:01:25 | WUProp@Home | Server can't open database
28/11/2023 20:01:55 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
28/11/2023 21:02:03 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
28/11/2023 22:02:07 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
28/11/2023 23:02:12 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 00:02:18 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 02:02:28 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 04:02:37 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 05:02:42 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 06:02:46 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 08:02:55 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 09:03:00 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 10:03:05 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 11:03:10 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 12:03:14 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 13:03:18 | WUProp@Home | No tasks sent
29/11/2023 14:03:38 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 15:03:42 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 16:03:47 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 17:03:52 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 18:03:56 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 20:04:05 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 21:04:10 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 22:04:16 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
29/11/2023 23:04:21 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 00:04:26 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 02:04:35 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 03:04:40 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 04:04:44 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 05:04:49 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 06:04:55 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running
30/11/2023 08:05:06 | WUProp@Home | Server error: feeder not running

Lots of server issues again.
20) Message boards : Number crunching : Bug in logic (Message 10227)
Posted 22 Sep 2023 by Link
More than a year later issue still not fixed.

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