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User ID 132548
WUProp@Home member since 16 Dec 2016
Country United States
Total credit 154,003
Recent average credit 0.06
Total hours 1,162,885
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#ProjectApplicationRunning time (hours) Last day (hours)
1 Universe@HomeUniverse BHspin v2477,452.650.00
2 NumberFields@homeGet Decic Fields247,473.950.00
3 World Community GridMapping Cancer Markers221,559.780.00
4 collatzCollatz Sieve26,605.830.00
5 Asteroids@homePeriod Search Application23,035.920.00
6 TN-Grid Platformgene@home PC-IM21,764.130.00
7 Milkyway@HomeMilkyWay@Home21,738.450.00
8 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 2^6419,423.480.00
9 Enigma@HomeEnigma AV17,711.280.00
10 Universe@HomeUniverse ULX15,374.270.00
11 Amicable NumbersAmicable Numbers up to 10^2115,255.120.00
12 ibercivisCovid-Phym, Fight against SARS-CoV-2 replication10,820.920.00
13 yoyo@homeCruncher ogr9,908.520.00
14 odlkodlk3@home8,063.020.00
15 XANSONS for CODXaNSoNS BOINC for GPU6,168.400.00
16 World Community GridFightAIDS@Home - Phase 24,960.920.00
17 Gerasim@homeTest separator3,513.700.00
18 Moo! Client3,340.230.00
19 World Community GridSmash Childhood Cancer2,894.320.00
20 SETI@homeSETI@home v81,214.180.00
21 PrimeGridGenefer 21962.020.00
22 odlkodlk2@home896.100.00
23 Einstein@HomeGamma-ray pulsar binary search #1 on GPUs698.450.00
24 Rosetta@homeRosetta586.850.00
25 yoyo@homeecm544.430.00
26 PrimeGridPPS (Sieve)329.000.00
27 Rosetta@homeRosetta Mini155.130.00
28 Rake search of diagonal Latin squaresRakeSearch for rank 10126.620.00
29 Citizen Science GridEXACT MNIST Batch Norm CNN Trainer120.670.00
30 climateprediction.netWeather At Home 2 (wah2)90.020.00
31 GPUGRIDNew version of ACEMD44.280.00
32 MLC@HomeMachine Learning Dataset Generator35.730.00
33 Gerasim@homespstarter14.000.00
34 Enigma@HomeEnigma 0.76b1.180.00
35 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v3 (NCI) - Generator/Word seed0.480.00
36 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v1 (NCI) - Generator/1 seed0.480.00
37 VGTU project@HomeVGTU@Home application for dynamic visual cryptography based on non-linear oscillations0.150.00
38 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v2 (NCI) - Seeker/1 seed0.030.00
39 GoofyxGrid@Home NCIMonkeys v4 (NCI) - Seeker/Word seed0.030.00

©2024 Sébastien

Generated 23 Oct 2024, 21:47:27 UTC