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Message 5759 - Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 3:16:44 UTC - in response to Message 5755.  

WuProp does not limit the number of Monkeys app instances you wish to run per host.
WuProp does limit the number of WuProp app instances you are permitted to run per host. Which has been clearly defined previously in this thread.
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Cruncher Pete

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Message 5760 - Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 3:57:52 UTC - in response to Message 5759.  
Last modified: 16 Nov 2017, 4:02:13 UTC

WuProp does not limit the number of Monkeys app instances you wish to run per host.
WuProp does limit the number of WuProp app instances you are permitted to run per host. Which has been clearly defined previously in this thread.

That was not my question. I am confused between Total Projects and or Total apps. Please do not confuse me further. (If you can not answer the question than please do not reply.)

Because the policy has been changed at least three times, I do not want to be accused of cheating again. Therefore I would appreciate a figure of how many instances of goofyxgridathome applications and perhaps two other projects can I run on my 56 core machine preferably from Sebastien the project Admin..
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Message 5763 - Posted: 16 Nov 2017, 11:20:57 UTC - in response to Message 5760.  

It's an NCI app and Goofy is grouped with all other NCI projects as far as WUProp is concerned.

There must be a non-NCI project running in the 6hr of WUProp task to get any and all hours counted for. Otherwise its marked as invalid, ignored or something.

If there were 20 NCI apps/projects you could run them all.

You can run 56 thousand clients with Goofy on them as long as WUProp is not attached. Well you could try.

That should answer the question you actually answered. You never actually asked how many client instances because there are only 4 NCI Goofy apps right now and I think that is your real question. So yes, your question was answered by the previous poster. In that case the policy has changed several times, written and unwritten.
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Message 5774 - Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 0:51:12 UTC - in response to Message 5763.  
Last modified: 17 Nov 2017, 1:00:19 UTC

It's an NCI app and Goofy is grouped with all other NCI projects as far as WUProp is concerned.

There must be a non-NCI project running in the 6hr of WUProp task to get any and all hours counted for. Otherwise its marked as invalid, ignored or something.

If there were 20 NCI apps/projects you could run them all.

You can run 56 thousand clients with Goofy on them as long as WUProp is not attached. Well you could try.

That should answer the question you actually answered. You never actually asked how many client instances because there are only 4 NCI Goofy apps right now and I think that is your real question. So yes, your question was answered by the previous poster. In that case the policy has changed several times, written and unwritten.

I believe your information is a bit out of date.
NCI only hosts are OK so long as they adhere to the current rule.
Here are a few examples:
My i3-390m is running 200 instances of BOINC. Each one of the 200 instance of BOINC is connected to Goofyxgrid@home and running all 4 apps. Out of those 200 instances of BOINC I have 4 of them connected to WuProp. As the system has 4 processors.
For my Pentium M system with 1 processor it has 150 BOINC instances connected to Goofyxgrid and 1 to WuProp.

I believe that if anyone is unable to figure it out they should run however many they like and see what happens.
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Message 5775 - Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 2:35:49 UTC

That rule is not current either, thus the mention about unwritten policy changes.
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Cruncher Pete

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Message 5776 - Posted: 17 Nov 2017, 3:05:03 UTC

I guess I am just a bit dumb. By the answers I got to what I thought was a simple question turned out to be more complicated than I thought.

I did ask Sebastien to post his rules on the front page for everyone to see but I guess he is too busy to do that or he might not even have a rule since it has been changed a few times.
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Message 5777 - Posted: 18 Nov 2017, 0:37:21 UTC - in response to Message 5775.  

That rule is not current either, thus the mention about unwritten policy changes.

I left some clients running while Goofyxgrid@home was down that normally only run that and WuProp. So they were left only running WuProp. After about a week, or maybe two, those clients were banned. I believe that is the only issue I've had under the current rule set, but that could have existed previously. It also seems reasonable to stop accepting work from a host that has only errored tasks for a week or more.
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Profile Bill F

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Message 5828 - Posted: 13 Dec 2017, 5:29:21 UTC
Last modified: 13 Dec 2017, 5:30:37 UTC

Well ... this is interesting some Goofy Grid Monkeys stats have appeared on my WUPROP user account stats listing.

I have never signed up for that Project and have never run any of their applications.

How does this happen.

Bill F
Dallas TX

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Message 5852 - Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 2:19:29 UTC

This problem may solve itself soon enough...

I was looking at GCC/GoofxGrid's stats, and there's an exceptionally high ratio of recent hosts to recent users. Something like 30:1. Considering that all BOINC sites get lots of spam user accounts, even a 1:1 ratio would be unusually high. 1:2 or 1:3 is more typical.

I seriously doubt each new user is connecting 30 hosts to GoofyXGrid.

What's apparently happening is that some people are connecting many, many clients and/or VMs there to either get credit and badges easily at that project, or to get hours here at WuProp. Or both. Either way, it seems that some less than scrupulous people are exploiting this NCI loophole, and are running many, many clients against that BOINC site.

This is probably the cause of GoofyXGrid's recent server woes. In essence, the nature of BOINC credit and NCI apps encourages users to execute what in practice is similar to DOS (Denial of Service) attacks against such servers.

Looked at in this light, it's not surprising that their server is having trouble staying alive.

I don't think GoofyxGrid is going to be around much longer, unless they find a way to plug this loophole. Beefing up their server may only be a temporary fix. If GoofyxGrid goes under, WUProp's problem is solved. If GoofyxGrid plugs the loophole, in addition to keeping their server afloat, it also solves WuProp's problem. Either way, WuProp's problem will probably go away.
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Message 5853 - Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 5:48:22 UTC - in response to Message 5852.  

This problem may solve itself soon enough...

I was looking at GCC/GoofxGrid's stats, and there's an exceptionally high ratio of recent hosts to recent users. Something like 30:1. Considering that all BOINC sites get lots of spam user accounts, even a 1:1 ratio would be unusually high. 1:2 or 1:3 is more typical.

I seriously doubt each new user is connecting 30 hosts to GoofyXGrid.

What's apparently happening is that some people are connecting many, many clients and/or VMs there to either get credit and badges easily at that project, or to get hours here at WuProp. Or both. Either way, it seems that some less than scrupulous people are exploiting this NCI loophole, and are running many, many clients against that BOINC site.

This is probably the cause of GoofyXGrid's recent server woes. In essence, the nature of BOINC credit and NCI apps encourages users to execute what in practice is similar to DOS (Denial of Service) attacks against such servers.

Looked at in this light, it's not surprising that their server is having trouble staying alive.

I don't think GoofyxGrid is going to be around much longer, unless they find a way to plug this loophole. Beefing up their server may only be a temporary fix. If GoofyxGrid goes under, WUProp's problem is solved. If GoofyxGrid plugs the loophole, in addition to keeping their server afloat, it also solves WuProp's problem. Either way, WuProp's problem will probably go away.

Goofy admins support multiple clients. It was even encouraged awhile back to stress the server. I'd say that was a successful test. So I wouldn't say it's a loophole.

The Goofy badges are completely unrealistic for absolutely 100% of everyone less you run 100s, probably thousands, of instances.

BOINC server has # of tasks per day option he could implement if needed.
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Message 5919 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 10:12:27 UTC
Last modified: 18 Jan 2018, 10:13:54 UTC

Автор проекта пошел еще дальше, он удаляет хосты где считается только его проект, без возможности переподключения хоста при появлении нового проекта на нем. Это привело к тому, что мой старенький ASUS_T000G был исключен из проекта только за то, что GCC некоторое время не давали WU, теперь, когда GCC снова работает автор не хочет видеть мой хост в своем проекте.
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Profile [AF>WildWildWest] Sébastie...
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Message 5920 - Posted: 18 Jan 2018, 21:44:02 UTC - in response to Message 5919.  

Since a week, there is no more banned hosts.
I will not support the project anymore.
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Profile Bill F

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Message 5922 - Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 21:59:06 UTC - in response to Message 5920.  

Should we expect to see the GCC times and stat's removed from WuProp soon ?

Bill F
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Message 5923 - Posted: 19 Jan 2018, 22:46:03 UTC - in response to Message 5922.  

Should we expect to see the GCC times and stat's removed from WuProp soon ?

Bill F

I hope not, as I would lose my only light blue applications (over 50,000 hours, I only have 2) and I have only been running what the project originally set up (4 apps (v1,v2,v3,v4 per computer), as I never worked out how you can run multiple instances of BOINC Client, I haven't bothered to try and change anything.
Other people change things, but I get nervous.
So I just follow the rules.

I still have a lot of hours clocked up that I would not want to lose, it has taken me a long time to accrue those hours.

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Message 5924 - Posted: 20 Jan 2018, 4:16:39 UTC - in response to Message 5923.  

Should we expect to see the GCC times and stat's removed from WuProp soon ?

Bill F

I hope not, as I would lose my only light blue applications (over 50,000 hours, I only have 2) and I have only been running what the project originally set up (4 apps (v1,v2,v3,v4 per computer), as I never worked out how you can run multiple instances of BOINC Client, I haven't bothered to try and change anything.
Other people change things, but I get nervous.
So I just follow the rules.

I still have a lot of hours clocked up that I would not want to lose, it has taken me a long time to accrue those hours.

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Message 5925 - Posted: 20 Jan 2018, 23:41:55 UTC - in response to Message 5923.  

I understand a lot of hours and kilowatts expended and you played by the rules. For your sake I hope that you get to keep the hours.

I have the opposite issue I have Monkey hours that I never ran as I have never created a GCC account. Not quite sure how this can be.

Bill F
Dallas TX
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Message 5927 - Posted: 23 Jan 2018, 13:59:46 UTC - in response to Message 5922.  
Last modified: 23 Jan 2018, 14:17:18 UTC

Should we expect to see the GCC times and stat's removed from WuProp soon ?

I guess that wouldn't be a big loss.
As far as I can see the only remaining app from GCC is the XMR Miner (GPU) app, and there never was much work for this app as far as I was aware, I could manage to get a few minutes some months ago but since then the app is red and it doesn't seem they want to continue the development. Others could have more hours here but I highly doubt someone managed to make a star with it.
Oh, btw Sebastian, a monkey-app from GCC is still in my account, so the change to GoofyXGrid was not fully correct:
399 Grid computing center Monkeys v2 (CPU) - Seeker/1 seed 0.00 0.00
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Profile [AF>Amis des Lapins] Oncle Bob

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Message 5991 - Posted: 22 Feb 2018, 19:54:20 UTC
Last modified: 22 Feb 2018, 19:55:56 UTC

WUProp is usefull, at least to answer the question "How many hours did I spent on this project" ?

Remove the badges, keep WUProp running on.

Problem solved.
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Message 5992 - Posted: 22 Feb 2018, 20:51:26 UTC

Totally agree ! WuProp is usefull and should keep going on ! Everytime I had to buy computers for scientific computing / research (my job), I look at WuProp results and statistics to evaluate processors (CPU or GPU) on real scientific codes and not only synthetic benchmarks. Thank you a lot for this project !

I'm fed up reading your stupid arguments ! NCI means : "Not Compute Intensive". If you want to use efficiently your hardware to help Science stop touching your p**** and go on intensive projects ! Do you realize HOW STUPID it is to run multiple WuProp on the same computer ? HOW STUPID it is to run earthquake or radioactive work units without the hardware to take measurements ?

If you want high scores, go playing games !
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Message 5993 - Posted: 22 Feb 2018, 21:25:32 UTC - in response to Message 5992.  

WUProp is usefull, at least to answer the question "How many hours did I spent on this project" ?

Remove the badges, keep WUProp running on.

Problem solved.

Good luck then! WUProp is not on project list in BOINC Manager, so people who are here had to find it using other means. Additionally this project does not perform scientific computing which needs lots of CPU power like other projects, so it is less appealing to people. On top of this it pays little credits. Most people here are only for badges. If you remove them, most people will simply go away and do not return.
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